Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year!

As some of you know, one of my previous supervisors passed away last week.  She was only in her forty's.  I went to the memorial service Monday with some of my coworkers.  All day long I thought about things that I needed to change.  Being the start of a new year, everyone usually had the typical New Year's Resolution.  Losing weight, quitting smoking...those are the main two that come to mind.  Until Monday, I did not have one.  After all that thinking, I now have many

Starting with and in no particular order:

1.  Spend more quality time with my family.  Even if this means a two hour drive once a month.  I need to do this for me and for Alex.  He needs to get to know the rest of his family better.  My Grandparents are pushing 80 and 90 hard.

Alex playing with my niece on the Kinect.

2.  Be more interactive with my son.  No more depending on the TV to babysit.  He's a little sponge these days.  I'd like for him to learn some things from me and not "Dora" or "Diego".

 We took Alex to the Bowling Alley for the first time.
3.  Have a date night at least once a month with my hubby. Don't worry, he read this before I posted it.  We don't have a whole lot of Mommy and Daddy time without Monkey Man.

4.  Actually start and finish projects.  I'm addicted to Pinterest and I see all of these other people doing these "oh so cute" things and I think "I can do that".  My problem is not starting the project.  It's the follow through.  I have a sewing machine, a borrowed Cricut, and many many unfinished projects.

5.  Lead a healthier lifestyle.  I know everyone says that they want to lose weight.  I do but, I figure I'll tackle the real problem.  What I eat and drink.

6.  Really dig in on the Dave Ramsey stuff.  We've already paid off one loan.  YAY!!!  I know we can do it.  Coupon clipping and all.  We will save money!!!

7.  Get organized.  This kinda ties in with the Dave Ramsey thing.  I'm going to try to get everything in it's place,  This means organizing meals ahead of time, going through Alex's toys and getting rid of the old never played with toys, going through our clothes and sending the stuff we don't wear to Goodwill or Salvation Army... you get my drift.

8.  Fix up the house.  This will not help with the budget but, I have a plan.  More will follow.  Duh duh duh!  Brian says it's dangerous when I think or have a plan.

9.  Connect and reconnect with new and old friends.  I'm a mom, not a hermit.  I used to, and still do sometimes, think that if I went out and had a drink or two with friends, that meant I was (am) a bad Momma.  I now realize that Mommas and Daddies need to get out and be with friends and fellowship every now and then.  It's  good thing.  ( I have to keep repeating this to myself.)

10.  Stay off the computer!!  I spend way too much time playing games and looking up stuff.  I'm going to try to do a blog post once a week and check facebook once a day for a short time.  As for the games, sorry guys, this farmer is calling it quits.

These are only a few.  I know, I know.  There's a lot going on.  I am determined.  I have to be.  There is a lot of life out there and I want to enjoy it as much as I can.  Stay tuned.  This will probably be interesting and funny to keep up with.  Lie seeing a train wreck.  You just can't look away.  Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I made a blogger account and everything to tell you... you misspelled like. xD

    Nyeh. I'm also making the resolution to be healthier, and get in shape. Seeing the family more often would be cool too... That's a lot of gas though.
